The Adventures of Twizzle
The Adventures of Twizzle is a 60’s Children’s TV puppet
show, which was commissioned by Roberta Leigh from an
idea she had. It was made by AP Films, which was
originally formed to create movies, but because of the lack
of work they created this series to make ends meet, even
though it was made on a shoestring budget.
A total of 52 episodes were made.
Twizzle is a toy, an expensive toy (he costs 2 Shillings and
6 Pence). He lives in a toy shop owned by an old man and
is content with his life, living on a shelf with his friends Mr
Bear and Golliwog. He hopes that the price he costs to buy
will put off most people buying him, so he can stay with his
friends. He was an expensive toy because he could twizzle - which meant he could stretch his
arms and legs.
But one day a spoilt girl comes to the toy shop and
wants to buy him for 2 Shillings. The old man is
unwilling to sell him for that price, but the girl threatens
to scream and cry unless he sells her Twizzle for 2
Reluctantly he agrees, but they can't find Twizzle
because he has hidden himself in the Jack-in-a-box.
The old man tells the girl to come back tomorrow,
when he would have found him. Poor Twizzle doesn't
want to be owned by the spoilt girl, so his friends egg him on to run away, which he does.
Poor Twizzle is alone in the world and eventually find a big dog kennel to rest in. But the owner of
the kennel isn't a dog, its a cat called Footso. This cat has also run away because he was teased
about his large paws. The two of them become friends and embark on adventure and create a
haven for neglected toys called 'Stray Town'.
The Adventures of Twizzle
The Adventures of Twizzle
Region 2 (Europe)
Region 1 (USA)
The Adventures of Twizzle
The Adventures of Twizzle
Series 1 (1957)
1. Twizzle And Footso
2. Twizzle And Footso Get Caught
3. Twizzle Saves The Doll
4. The Breakdown Van
5. Footso Is Stolen
6. Twizzle And The Golliwog
7. Jiffy And The Chawky Quarrel
8. Footso Disappears
9. Twizzle And The Broken-Down Toy
10. Twizzle Builds Stray Town
11. A Flag For Stray Town
12. Jiffy's New House
13. Twizzle And Footso Go Fruit Picking
14. Twizzle Has Some Fun
15. Twizzle And Candy Floss Open A
Cake Shop
16. Twizzle Saves The Broken-Down Toys
17. Twizzle Gets Lost
18. Jiffy Opens A Barber Shop
19. Another Racing Car
20. Twizzle And His Friends Go To
The Circus
21. The Toys Go To School
22. Bouncy The Ball
23. Jack-In-The-Box
24. Twizzle Catches Cold
25. The Naughty Girl
26. Jiffy's New Twigs
27. Twizzle And The Snowman
28. Twizzle And The Thin Teddy Bear
29. The Lazy Broomstick Man
30. Twizzle And The Polly Moppet
31. Footso And The Magic Seeds
32. Jiffy And The Polly Moppet Quarrel
33. Footso Gets A New Tail
34. Twizzle Is Naughty
35. Twizzle Is Stolen
36. Chawky Gets A Present
37. Twizzle And The Toy Inspector
38. Twizzle And The Naughty Breakdown
39. Orange And The Banana Tree
40. Jiffy's Birthday
41. Polly Moppet Disappears
42. Naughty Polly Moppet
43. Footso And The Naughty Girl
44. Stray Town Thief
45. Twizzle Papers The Cabin
46. Twizzle And Footso Go Camping
47. Twizzle Goes To The Seaside
48. Twizzle Goes To The Fair
49. Twizzle Goes Fishing
50. Twizzle Goes To The Zoo
51. Candy Floss's Birthday
52. Footso Has A Toothache
The Adventures of Twizzle
Images (click to enlarge)
Toys & Gifts
Bargain DVDs