Playboard Playboard is a 70’s Children’s TV puppet show that consisted of 13 programmes, and was shown eight times in the 'Watch with Mother' slot between 1976 and 1980. The stories and original designs were created by Ian Allen and the puppets and settings were created by the late John Thirtle. The programmes were presented by Christopher Lillicrap.     Story  It was set in a fairground, it featured the extremely cute friends Mo and Hedge, as well as a whole host of other colourful personalities including Arabella, Bill and Kathy Bright, Max the Magician, Winnie Wilson, Lily Kettle the owner of the ghost train, Jo the clown and Shahid the snake charmer!   Playboard - The Attendant? Playboard Childrens TV Show - Mo And Hedge 2 Playboard Childrens TV Show Playboard Images (click to enlarge) Playboard T-Shirts - NONE Playboard DVDs Region 2 (Europe) - NONE Region 1 (USA) - NONE Playboard Video Playboard - Mo And Hedge Playboard Episodes NO VIDEO...YET ©
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