Cockleshell Bay Story Cockleshell Bay is an 80’s children’s TV animated show, which followed the adventures of Robin and Rosie, who are two young children that live by the sea in a village called Cockleshell bay. They live with their parents in the 'Bucket and Spade' Guest House. They are twins and dress nearly identical to each other, which is normally a striped jumper and dungarees / jeans.   Mr Ship owns the boatyard next door to the 'Bucket and Spade' and Robin and Rosie love visiting him. His boats always seem to be half finished, but this doesn't stop Robin and Rosie imagining loads of stories that they can act out. Also Mr Fingle keeps his donkey there, 'Fury', in his own stable. Robin and Rosie love to visit him, feed him a carrot and rub his nose.   Keep an eye out for Ben Gunn, the biggest seagull we've ever seen. He's a bit grumpy, and his one motivation in life is food! Cockleshell Bay - Robin and Rosie Cockleshell Bay Episodes Cockleshell Bay Video Intro Cockleshell Bay T-Shirts - NONE Cockleshell Bay DVDs Region 2 (Europe) - I Love Cult Kids Region 1 (USA) - NONE Cockleshell Bay - Fury the Donkey Cockleshell Bay - Hello Robin and Rosie Cockleshell Bay - Titles Cockleshell Bay Images (click to enlarge) Cockleshell Bay - Dad Cockleshell Bay - Mum and Ben Gunn Cockleshell Bay - Rosie Cockleshell Bay - The Bucket and Spade Cockleshell Bay - Mr Ship Cockleshell Bay - The Family NO VIDEO...YET © NO VIDEO...YET
Cockleshell Bay - Boat Yard Cockleshell Bay - DVDs Toys & Gifts T-Shirts Bargain DVDs
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